Purpose | Aliases |
Research domains | https://www.eecis.udel.edu |
Academic domains | http://www.acad.ece.udel.edu http://www.acad.cis.udel.edu |
in this document
If you want a personal web page on the ECE/CIS machines, please post a
help-request ticket at http://www.eecis.udel.edu/service.
Once space has been allocated, you will access your WWW files under
on our Solaris hosts is no longer supported. Please use a Linux host to update your web site. Namely «hoek.eecis.udel.edu»
The URL for research accounts will be https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~$USER
For acad accounts the URL will be https://www.acad.ece.udel.edu/~$USER
Care to make a personal or professional site for you or or reasearch group?
We use and recommend Hugo, a fast and lightweight program that converts text files composed in the wiki-like Markdown syntax into static html files which are served quite efficiently to the web. You can go to the Hugo Documentation page to find more information about installation, base templates, and configuration.
If you intend to use Hugo to generate your personal site, we are happy to help with configuring and uploading your generated site. In the Hugo configuration, make sure you specify your base URL as listed above.
For example: baseURL = "https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~$USER"
User cgi scripts are not enabled on the main web servers mentioned above for security reasons. There is a web server available to run CGI scripts on. It is on a separate, untrusted server to minimize security risks. Users are only given CGI space on request.
Requested space will be available at /cgi/$USER
on the same system(s) where
your website can be edited.
, for example program.cgihttps://www.eecis.udel.edu/~$USER/cgi-bin/program.cgi
module is installedNote: To have a filesystem made on this server to enable you to create/use CGI scripts, use the Computer Service / Help Request system and request access to the CGI server.
There are security issues that you should be aware of when writing your own scripts. Note, that if you have a security hole in a script, your account the CGI server can be compromised. Special care should be taken, when writing CGIs and in processing any data from them. (This is why CGI scripts are not enabled on the main dept. web servers)
An htaccess file provides a method to limit directory and file access to
authorized users with username/password pairs. First, create a directory that
is mode 755 (or at least readable and executable to httpuser
using ACLs.
[~/public_html/]> ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 4 user group 512 May 18 11:39 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 user group 512 Mar 3 09:28 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 user group 512 May 18 11:39 protected
The next step is to create your htaccess password file which will be used for authentication.
htpasswd -c /usb/$USER/public_html/.htpasswd new_username
Where new_username
is the username you would like to add to the password
file. This username does not have to nor should it be the same username or
password as your EECIS account. The -c
option is used to create a new file.
Do not include that flag if you are adding new passwords to an existing file.
Users can be deleted by using the -D
NOTE: The htpasswd file you create will contain ENCRYPTED passwords. The
default encoding is standard Unix crypt, but MD5 hashes can be used by using
the -m
option and SHA1 hashes can be used by using the -s
option. To avoid
sending passwords in the clear over networks https
should always be used
instead of http
in these situations.
After you have created the htpasswd file, the next step would be to create an .htaccess file in the directory you wish to restrict access to.
[~/public_html/]> ls -al protected/
total 10
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user group 125 May 18 11:47 .htaccess
NOTE: The .htaccess file and your htpasswd file MUST be world readable. ( mode
644 ), or at least readable by the user httpuser using ACLs, and exist in the
web filesystem so the web server has access to them.
The contents of the .htaccess file ( which protects the entire directory ) are as follows:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "My Protected Directory"
AuthUserFile /usb/username/public_html/.htpasswd
require valid-user
From above:
An example of htaccess can be found on github.
You can also require that the user use an encrypted session to access certain files. This is good for sensitive or confidential documents which you would not want to send over the network as cleartext. When used in conjunction with the password file you created above, you can allow secure access to only certain users, and certain ip addresses.
To do so, add the following to your .htaccess file (Changing it of course):
<Files secret.txt>
require user secure
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from 128.4.
In the example above, SSL will be required when accessing the file
The required username is ‘secure’, but any username which is in your htpasswd
file can be specified there.
Another option is to specify ‘require valid-user’, which will allow any user in
your htpasswd file to authenticate.
The ‘allow from 128.4.’ statement specifies that only users
connecting from 128.4.*.*
are allowed to access ‘secret.txt’. A filemask can
also be used in place of a specific file name.
Please note that personal web pages will remain active only so long as your account is in good standing. When your account expires, your personal web site will be archived and no longer served. See the following section for how to set up a web redirect.
The form for web redirection is on the front page of the accounts site, upon logging in. Read on for details.
You might have had a website served by EE/CIS but have moved it somewhere else. This is common for folks who graduate or leave our department, for example.
Now you can set a 301 Redirection for your website. Search engines will see the redirection and replace your EE/CIS results with the redirected URL. Entire a URL into the form, submit & wait for processing. In most cases it is recommended to have a complete URL with schema (starting with http:// or https:// ).
Any/All URLs prefixed by www.eecis.udel.edu/~username
will be
redirected to the URL entered in the form.
Perhaps your username changed.
For example, this can happen when a user gets married.
Your redirect will look like simply:
Perhaps you have moved your entire website, keeping the same structure.
Your wish is to recursively forward all requests. For example, have a request
to https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~username/directory/page.html
redirect straight
to https://www.example.com/directory/page.html
In this case, use the following redirection in the web form, which contains a directive that our web server will understand:
In the above example request, $request_uri
expands to /directory/page.html
ECE/CIS • University of Delaware — All Rights Reserved • Newark, DE 19716 • USA • 2015 • Website by AndrĂ© Rauh • Maintained by Labstaff
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