Anaconda3 can be run on most of our servers. If you are looking for Anaconda2, see below for how to switch to a Python 2 environment. The following commands will help you set up your Linux environment to run Anaconda, create a conda environment, and install all the Python packages provided by Anaconda. All the commands are to be executed from the remote server you are logged in.
Add the path of anaconda3 into your own path:
user@remote-host:~$ echo "PATH=$PATH:/m/linux/anaconda3/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
To have shorter prompts when your conda environments are activated:
user@remote-host:~$ conda config --set env_prompt '({name})'
Create a conda environment in your home directory and install all the packages you want. For example, with this command you would create an environment called test_env
and install on it scipy:
user@remote-host:~$ conda create --prefix $HOME/test_env scipy
Activate your environment:
user@remote-host:~$ conda activate $HOME/test_env
To deactivate it:
user@remote-host:~$ conda deactivate
To switch to a Python 2 environment, just create a conda environment and install
on it the Python version that you want. For example, here you would create an
environment called py2
and install on it Python 2.7.
user@remote-host:~$ conda create --prefix $HOME/py2 python=2.7
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